Monday 26 September 2016

Editing our own camara shots.

using Adobe Premier:

to edit all of our shots together we used a program called Adobe Premier, this is a video editing software that you can use to edit multiple shots, images and sounds together. 
we used this software to edit the videos that we captured last week on the cameras, of all the different shot types, such as; extreme close-up, close-up, medium close-up, medium shot, high angle, twin shot, Extreme long shot, long shot, low angle, dutch angle and silhouette.
Not only did we edit them together we also added titles and transitions.

When editing the videos together,i realized i didn't have every single shot type, when filming we forgot to do an extreme close up so when editing i made one of the close-ups into an extreme on by zooming in, i didn't know you could do this at first so that's something new i learnt in the lesson.
i kept my editing simple and my titles also simple so the viewer could focus more on the actual clips and what they were showing, and could clearly read the titles and understand what they were saying.
i also realized some of the clips were too short when editing the videos together so i slowed them down to make them longer.

when adding in the clips i only added in the video footage, and left the audio out because it was windy and detracting.

while editing this video i also learnt that it was important to always keep making sure that the video is rendered by clicking enter on your key bored.

the finial video: click here

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