Thursday 3 November 2016


our task was to go out into Rochdale take pictures of things we thought represented it, wether positive or negative. for all of the pictures i take my camera is on the setting aperture priority (A) meaning i have to manually change the iso and the shutter speed however the camera automatically changes the aperture.

my 7 favorite pictures:

this is an image i captured of a man riding his bike away from the post office. it shows the new opened bridge with the new clean brick work. however you can also see some old run down buildings in the far distance and the regal moon pub in the background also. these both look quite run down and show the contrast between the old and the new.

this is an image i captured of a homeless man, i also think this picture is ironic because its right next to a sign about saving money on photographs and he has no money. i think this image really shows that there is a lot of poverty in Rochdale.

This is just a simple image of a brick wall, a few pipes and drain pipes, a bin and a sign painted on the wall saying "PRIVATE NO PARKING" i took this picture because i just think the whole image came together nicely with the plants on the ground trying to push trough the concrete.

I thought this would be a nice picture because its a reasonably nice looking car that is in a not so nice looking area, with vines growing all over the walls, white paint chipping off the reveal the old red brick wall beneth it. and dry dead plants next to and behind the car.

This is the town hall clock tower, its the most beautiful building in the whole of Rochdale and its right in the town center, surrounded by discount shops and old closed down shops. there is a lot of contrast in the town center of Rochdale and i wanted to capture some of the good in the town.

This is an old pub that has been closed down a while. and its clear that people had been breaking in once it closed because they had to put metal plates over all the windows and doors to stop people breaking and entering. there is also a advertisement on the wall for a circus, this advert looks like it has been there a while as the colour has faded and it looks quite creepy. there is lots of abandoned buildings in Rochdale especially old mills from back when Rochdale was notorious for cotton making and had lots and lots of mills.

This i think is a good overall representation of Rochdale, because it shows the lovely flowers from a flower stand which sits directly outside of a arcade, where people loose lots of money everyday and even some peoples lives get ruined by things like arcades because they have no money to spend on it but they get addicted to it.

overall it was very fun and eye opening to walk around where i live and take pictures of things i thought represented it.


our task was to go out into Rochdale take pictures of things we thought represented it, wether positive or negative. for all of the pictures i take my camera is on the setting aperture priority (A) meaning i have to manually change the iso and the shutter speed however the camera automatically changes the aperture.

my 7 favorite pictures:

this is an image i captured of a man riding his bike away from the post office. it shows the new opened bridge with the new clean brick work. however you can also see some old run down buildings in the far distance and the regal moon pub in the background also. these both look quite run down and show the contrast between the old and the new.

this is an image i captured of a homeless man, i also think this picture is ironic because its right next to a sign about saving money on photographs and he has no money. i think this image really shows that there is a lot of poverty in Rochdale.

This is just a simple image of a brick wall, a few pipes and drain pipes, a bin and a sign painted on the wall saying "PRIVATE NO PARKING" i took this picture because i just think the whole image came together nicely with the plants on the ground trying to push trough the concrete.

I thought this would be a nice picture because its a reasonably nice looking car that is in a not so nice looking area, with vines growing all over the walls, white paint chipping off the reveal the old red brick wall beneth it. and dry dead plants next to and behind the car.

This is the town hall clock tower, its the most beautiful building in the whole of Rochdale and its right in the town center, surrounded by discount shops and old closed down shops. there is a lot of contrast in the town center of Rochdale and i wanted to capture some of the good in the town.

This is an old pub that has been closed down a while. and its clear that people had been breaking in once it closed because they had to put metal plates over all the windows and doors to stop people breaking and entering. there is also a advertisement on the wall for a circus, this advert looks like it has been there a while as the colour has faded and it looks quite creepy. there is lots of abandoned buildings in Rochdale especially old mills from back when Rochdale was notorious for cotton making and had lots and lots of mills.

This i think is a good overall representation of Rochdale, because it shows the lovely flowers from a flower stand which sits directly outside of a arcade, where people loose lots of money everyday and even some peoples lives get ruined by things like arcades because they have no money to spend on it but they get addicted to it.

overall it was very fun and eye opening to walk around where i live and take pictures of things i thought represented it.


our task was to go out into Rochdale take pictures of things we thought represented it, wether positive or negative. for all of the pictures i take my camera is on the setting aperture priority (A) meaning i have to manually change the iso and the shutter speed however the camera automatically changes the aperture.

my 7 favorite pictures:

this is an image i captured of a man riding his bike away from the post office. it shows the new opened bridge with the new clean brick work. however you can also see some old run down buildings in the far distance and the regal moon pub in the background also. these both look quite run down and show the contrast between the old and the new.

this is an image i captured of a homeless man, i also think this picture is ironic because its right next to a sign about saving money on photographs and he has no money. i think this image really shows that there is a lot of poverty in Rochdale.

This is just a simple image of a brick wall, a few pipes and drain pipes, a bin and a sign painted on the wall saying "PRIVATE NO PARKING" i took this picture because i just think the whole image came together nicely with the plants on the ground trying to push trough the concrete.

I thought this would be a nice picture because its a reasonably nice looking car that is in a not so nice looking area, with vines growing all over the walls, white paint chipping off the reveal the old red brick wall beneth it. and dry dead plants next to and behind the car.

This is the town hall clock tower, its the most beautiful building in the whole of Rochdale and its right in the town center, surrounded by discount shops and old closed down shops. there is a lot of contrast in the town center of Rochdale and i wanted to capture some of the good in the town.

This is an old pub that has been closed down a while. and its clear that people had been breaking in once it closed because they had to put metal plates over all the windows and doors to stop people breaking and entering. there is also a advertisement on the wall for a circus, this advert looks like it has been there a while as the colour has faded and it looks quite creepy. there is lots of abandoned buildings in Rochdale especially old mills from back when Rochdale was notorious for cotton making and had lots and lots of mills.

This i think is a good overall representation of Rochdale, because it shows the lovely flowers from a flower stand which sits directly outside of a arcade, where people loose lots of money everyday and even some peoples lives get ruined by things like arcades because they have no money to spend on it but they get addicted to it.

overall it was very fun and eye opening to walk around where i live and take pictures of things i thought represented it.